In the ONE&ALL Daily Podcast, we will guide you through a meditative devotional thought for your day. At ONE&ALL Church we believe that being in scripture and praying to God daily is the key to living a fulfilling Christian life.

Start your Monday - Friday with a quick 2 to 3 minute devotional teaching from ONE&ALL so you can learn, grow and take your next step in following Jesus.

Hope for the Lost | Kelly Soiles

Are you feeling lost and unsure of what to do next? Pastor Kelly Soiles shares how Jesus is the way.

Listen to "Hope for the Lost | Kelly Soiles" on Spreaker.

A Grateful Heart | Natalie Garcia

How does complaining impact your life? Natalie Garcia reminds us to have a grateful heart and to shine like stars in the sky.

Listen to "A Grateful Heart | Natalie Garcia" on Spreaker.

Name Dropping | Matt Chavez

Whose name are you dropping? Today Pastor Matt Chavez shares the power that comes with the name of Jesus.

Listen to "Name Dropping | Matt Chavez" on Spreaker.

The Game of Battleship | Matt Chavez

Pastor Matt reminds us that the battle is not ours but Gods. Will you allow God to win the battles in your life?

Listen to "The Game of Battleship | Matt Chavez" on Spreaker.

Seek to Do Good | Joseph Grabowski

What does it mean to do good to people who hurt you? Pastor Joseph Grabowski shares how we can choose to do good versus seeking vengeance when someone hurts you.

Listen to "Seek to Do Good | Joseph Grabowski" on Spreaker.

Stones of Remembrance | Danielle Frazer

How will you be remembered? Pastor Danielle Frazer shares the importance of trusting God and leaving a legacy that honors Him.

Listen to "Stones of Remembrance | Danielle Frazer" on Spreaker.

36,00 Feet | Matt Chavez

Pastor Matt shares how you can trust God with all of your fears because He will never fail.

Listen to "36,00 Feet | Matt Chavez" on Spreaker.

Beyond Understanding | Joseph Grabowski

Today Pastor Joseph encourages us to seek God for those things that are beyond our understanding.

Listen to "Beyond Understanding | Joseph Grabowski" on Spreaker.

The Lord's Prayer | Danielle Frazer

Today Danielle Frazer talks about one of her favorite Psalm, Psalm 23 & reminds us that the Lord is our protector & we must find trust in him alone.

Listen to "The Lord's Prayer | Danielle Frazer" on Spreaker.

Saving Private Ryan | Jeff Vines

Today Pastor Jeff shares how his favorite movie, Saving Private Ryan relates to the sacrifice God made for each of us.

Listen to "Saving Private Ryan | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.